“This place is special.” Steve Tilston.
“It's a delight to play here. Long may it continue.” John Doyle.
“This is a great venue. I have really, really enjoyed playing here.” Martin Simpson.
“I really like this little venue.” Pierre Bensusan.
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(with videos, photos and comments)
© Pindrop Events 2023
Mayor & James
This event was held on:
Saturday 21st May 2022
8 p.m.
Mayor & James
The Ale House, Mill Lane Colwall WR13 6HJ

The Artists

This popular, world-class duo bring a unique combination of Simon Mayor’s humour and virtuosity and Hilary James “honey dripping voice”… not to mention her enormous mandobass! But it’s probably the diversity of their repertoire that surprises people most: from folksongs to blues, Berlioz, classical mandolin show-stoppers, swing fiddle and some of their own notorious comic songs. This hugely entertaining evening is not to be missed. Serious stuff – but don’t take it too seriously!

“Just fantastic to go and see live. Do catch them if you can.” 
Fiona Talkington, BBC Radio 3

“One of Britain’s finest voices” BBC Radio 4

“Britain’s leading hot-fingered mandolin virtuoso” Cosmopolitan

“Simon Mayor is a real find” The Daily Telegraph

“Left you feelin lik you were floatin on a peerie cloud somewhar.” Shetland Folk Festival

“Monstrously enjoyable. If you see them advertised 
anywhere make a pilgrimage!” Folk North West

“Elegant singing” 
Daily Telegraph

“Sheer Musical Brilliance” 
BBC World Service

“A witty and captivating mix of folk, blues, swing 
and classical showstoppers, spiced with a unique brand of off-beat humour.” The Guardian


The Venue

The Ale House



Mill Lane Colwall WR13 6HJ

The Ale House is a delightful and intimate concert venue, with warm acoustics.

Despite its name, there are no bar facilities at The Ale House and events there do not normally make alcoholic drinks available for sale. Most events, however, are bring-your-own. Wine glasses are made available.

The absence of a bar also has the highly desirable effect of ensuring the ‘pindrop’ atmosphere is maintained, with audiences intent only on the music.

In the 16th Century The Ale House was a place to serve ale to the parishioners of Colwall after church services. Nowadays, while having all modern facilities, it retains its ancient charm, with oak beams and leaded windows.

It is situated adjacent to St James the Great Church in Colwall. From the main B4218 going through the main part of Colwall, turn down Mill Lane, which is just north of the railway bridge. Go past Colwall Village Hall and the church is about half a mile further down the lane.

Park in the large car park next to the church and walk through the churchyard to the Ale House.

For reasons of safety parking is not allowed immediately adjacent to the building.

Disabled Access

The Ale House is fully equipped for wheelchair access.

There is a pull-in space by the main door at the south end of the building (shown in the picture) for drop-off.